Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
Last updated November 01, 2024
International Student Services | Policy or Regulation Information
In practice, this means that a student must be participating in an internship, clinical placement, or other off-campus work experience as a part of a degree requirement or for academic credit. The training must be directly related to the academic major.
CPT authorization is required for both paid and unpaid experience and is authorized only for a specific internship supervisor, location, and period; this information is noted on the I-20 upon receiving authorization for CPT.
The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) must authorize CPT in your SEVIS record PRIOR to engaging in the internship experience. You may only begin working on the first day indicated in the CPT authorization on page two of your I-20. If eligible for CPT, please submit the CPT Request in the ISS Portal two weeks prior to the intended start date.
How is CPT part of the curriculum?
CPT can be granted for internships that earn academic credit or for required clinical placements or internships that are required to graduate. The internship course or requirement must be noted on the student's transcript. CPT must be directly related to your major field of study, so if you are taking an internship course as part of your minor, or in an unrelated subject, it may not be eligible for CPT.
Completion of an internship or experiential learning through CPT must be considered academic work and cannot delay the completion of the degree program. There is no cost to apply for CPT, however, there may be costs to enroll in the appropriate internship course for your practical training experience. Unless your program requires training or clinical hours for all students to graduate, you will need to enroll in an internship course earning credit for your degree to be eligible for CPT.
To be eligible for CPT, a student must:
- Be in legal F-1 immigration status.
- Have been a full-time student in the U.S. for at least one academic year.
- This requirement is waived for graduate students if CPT is required within the first academic year.
- Have a written offer letter from the internship supervisor and the recommendation of his or her academic advisor.
- Earn academic credit for the internship experience.
Additional Notes
- Undergraduate students are eligible for CPT after they have been enrolled in the academic program for a full academic year and maintained F-1 status. Graduate students would be eligible for CPT in their first year only if the academic program requires it.
- CPT must be part-time (less than 20 hours per week) in the fall and spring semesters.
- Employment of more than 20 hours per week is considered full-time Curricular Practical Training and can only be completed in the summer or January terms. Exceptions will be considered for graduate programs which require full-time clinicals, the QU in DC, and QU in LA programs.
- Students who use twelve months or more of full-time CPT are ineligible for Post-Completion OPT.
- CPT is authorized for one semester at a time. You must reapply for any subsequent semesters of CPT by submitting a new CPT Request in the ISS Portal.
- The student must be re-authorized for CPT if the terms of the position will change (e.g. full-time to part-time), if the student changes internship location, or if the dates of the internship change. The student must submit a new CPT Request in the ISS Portal before the new terms go into effect.
- The student’s endorsed I-20 will serve as proof of permission to work in the U.S. for the specific employer and dates notes on Page 2 of the I-20.
- Students engaged in a paid CPT position will need to apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) upon receiving their CPT I-20.
CPT Request Process
- Meet with your academic advisor to determine if you are eligible for a CPT experience based on your academic program requirements.
- Enroll in the appropriate credit-bearing course for the semester you intend to have CPT authorization (if applicable)
- Obtain an offer letter from your employer. The letter must include:
- Name of Company
- Address of Company
- Start and End Dates (within the semester)
- Number of hours per week
- Job title and description of role
- Submit the CPT request in the ISS portal, upload your offer letter, and enter your Academic Advisor/Program Director's contact information for approval.
- The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) will review your request and issue you an updated I-20 with CPT Authorization noted on Page 2 within 3-5 business days of approval from the Academic Advisor/Program Director. You will receive an email when your request has been processed and your I-20 is ready for download.
Extensions & Re-authorizations
CPT approvals are authorized for a maximum of one semester at a time. Students must show proof of course enrollment, an updated offer letter from the internship supervisor, and obtain the approval of the academic advisor indicating the necessity of continued internship.